It's the perfect name for a dog who's had its share of less-than-perfect experiences.
Sage (formerly known as Hennessey) was surrendered to the Pennsylvania SPCA in August because her owner could no longer afford to care for her. She was adopted in October and then returned 21 days later when her adopter fell on hard times. The poor dog had two strikes against her through no fault of her own, but she never gave up hope.
Exactly one month later, right before Thanksgiving, Sage finally found her real forever home.
And as an added bonus, Sage's forever home came with a sister named Keystone, a Rottweiler who took Sage under her wing (her paw??). Now the two of them are best friends.
Mike, their owner, said, "Sage loves playing with the other dogs, especially Keystone. They get along really well and are good sharers, as you can see in the photo."
True to her name, Sage's experiences have certainly made her wise -- and she can recognize a good thing when she sees it!
Sage could be Gabanna's sister!